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Don't worry

I'm not a loon. Well anymore than the one you already know.

I haven't been hearing voices in my head. Not even Jess telling me to behave.

I am talking about mine. My voice.

Unlike, I'm sure, most of the population, I actually have two quite distinct voices. I've been using them both for so long that I don't notice anymore which mode I'm in. Public voice is used far more than Private voice. Obvious eh?


Public voice and my real voice.

I have my public voice. That's the one you know, the one you hear. Pitch, tone, range, diction, vocabulary. Non threatening, easy to hear, easy to listen to, comforting even. Like any other normal bloke. 128 Hz.

Been doing it so long that it comes almost naturally - I've forgotten that I do it. Except it's fake. Fake is too strong. It's learnt. Like an actor.

Private Voice?

Is really very different. Not content, not style. TONE. Pitch-

Scares people - guys mainly. Gets women wet. Ask any of my girlfriends….

Ex-Girlfriend? It Gave her goosebumps.

Deep? Yeah, it is a deep voice . 71Hz.


As an expert from, let me enlighten you about the definition of a deep voice.

A deep voice is like a smooth blend of melted dark chocolate and aged whiskey, resonating with a richness that can make hearts skip a beat.

It's the kind of voice that commands attention and makes you believe that even mundane tasks can be accomplished with a touch of elegance.

When a person's voice sounds deep, it feels like a warm embrace from the depths of the earth, wrapping you in a velvety cocoon of sonic delight.

It's a voice that exudes confidence and leaves you wondering if they have a secret stash of wisdom hidden somewhere.